
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Parents Evenings - Mon 10th & Tues 11th Oct

We will be holding two parents’ evening this term and will operate our established appointment system, giving quality time to talk to teachers.


Parents’ evenings will be on

Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th October 2016

3.15 – 5.35 p.m.


There will be a timed chart with your child’s class teacher.  Please put your child’s name next to a time that is suitable for you.  If you have more than one child in school, you can time your appointments accordingly, leaving suitable gaps between each one or spread your appointments over both days if that is more convenient. For children in Years 4, 5, 6, 2L & 1S staff will be available outside at the start and end of the day to book your appointment.



This is a good opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher to discuss progress and effort they are making and targets to work on in order to make further progress.


Please do your best to attend.


Working together we are a learning community.


We will be having a Book Fair and Mrs Jackson will be selling books.



All clubs on Monday and Tuesday will be cancelled but Wednesday & Thursday Clubs will run as usual.


Thank you for your continued support
