
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Week beginning 21st September 2020


Lesson 1:


Watch the video about setting descriptions and complete activities 1-3.

Activity 1- Identify the wow words and use them to write super sentences.

Activity 2- Draw a picture of the woodland and forest setting. Write exciting adjectives around your setting to describe it.

Activity 3- Write full sentences about your setting. What can you hear? See? Feel?

Lesson 2:


Practise spelling year 3 words.


Click on Year 3/4 and then 'Tricky words.'


Once you have completed each round, write full sentences using the year 3 words.

Lesson 3:


The Beak of the Pelican by J. Patrick Lewis


She looks for wiggly fishes,

At least so it appears,

To stuff inside the suitcase

That’s swinging from her ears.


And though she’s very graceful

When flying round and round,

How does she get that faceful

Of luggage off the ground?


Animals make excellent subjects for poems. Think of your favourite animal and write a poem about it.

Think about what your animal looks like, where it lives and how it moves.

Remember that not all poems rhyme!

Lesson 4:


Using a dictionary to find out the meaning of new words.

Watch the video from the BBC and complete the activity.


Use the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary

to find out the meaning of these words:

1) autumn

2) author

3) novel

4) ponder

5) pleased


Can you use these words to create a short story?


Lesson 5:


Listen and read along to 'Hairy McClary.'


Activity 1- List the adjectives and similes that Lynley Dodd has used to describe the different dogs.


Activity 2- Imagine that you have been asked to create a new dog for 'Hairy McClary 2.'

Draw a picture of a dog, considering the breed, the size and the personality of the dog. Using adjectives, similes and metaphors, write a few sentences about your dog to go in the book.


Watch this video about similes and metaphors to help with your writing.

Lesson 1: Read all about Neil Armstrong. What is he famous for?
Lesson 2: Read the Neil Armstrong text and answer these question:
Lesson 2: Read Usain Bolt's fact file. Why is he famous? What was life like as a child for him?
Lesson 3: Summarise Usain Bolts' biography, picking out the key information. Can you write 5 facts about his life?

Lesson 1: 

Read and write numbers to 100 in numeral and words.

Watch the video:

Complete the activity.

Lesson 2:

Represent numbers to 100.

Watch the video:

Complete the activity.

Lesson 3:

Numbers to 1000 on a place value grid.

Watch the video:

Complete the activity.

Lesson 4:

Numbers to 1000

Watch the video:

Complete the activity.

Lesson 5:

10s and 1s using addition

Watch the video:

Complete the activity

Lesson 1:
History - Stonge henge

Stone henge questions - after using the website to learn about stonehenge. Answer these questions.

Lesson 2:
History - Bronze age

Complete the smelting flow chart on how to make bronze.

Lesson 3:

PSHE - Read through the powerpoint and complete the all aboout me worksheet. How can you look after yourself properly?
