
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Coronavirus - Latest update 18th March 2020

Dear Parents


As you will be aware, this has been a difficult week at school. As we have been instructed to do, we have stayed open to provide your children with a safe place to come and learn during what is a very worrying time for many of them. I am proud of the way our Regents Park community has responded during such a challenging time. I am sure you would like me to thank all the staff who have come in to school despite their own anxieties and worries about their own families to ensure that the children's learning at school could carry on.


It is now looking increasingly likely that schools in England will be asked to close by the end of this week. There will be an announcement by the Education Secretary at 5.00pm today and we will update our website in response to this announcement.


Children will be coming home from school today with a pack of work to keep them busy over the next couple of weeks - this is to be used when school closes and parents are asked to support children with it. More activities and links to online learning will be added to the school website. If your child isn't in school, please contact the school office as soon as possible to either arrange to pick it up if it's safe to do so or organise for someone else to do so.


Thanks again for your support and understanding.


Mr Beale
