
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Fire alarm incident at lunchtime today - 12/07/21

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Your child/ children may have come home today and told you about an incident that happened at lunchtime when the fire alarm went off. The children were evacuated safely from the building after what was a false alarm. However, the fire alarm could not be turned off due to a fault and children had to wait outside in the playground with staff for an hour before the alarms could be reset.

This caused a lot of disruption as some children were in the middle of having their dinner and others hadn't had it yet.

Once the alarm was finally switched off and it was safe to return to the building, all the children ha dtheir dinner although later than usual.

We apologise that children were left waiting and some had theur dinner later than normal.

Thanks to all the staff who helped get lunches to the children as quickly as possible.


Mr Beale
