
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Car parking chaos outside school today!

    Thu 20 Sep 2018

    This evening there was car parking chaos on Camelot Way outside school. Many parents were parked on the zig zag lines or double (and even triple) parked on the road. As a result, other cars then became stuck getting in and out of the road. This is a DANGEROUS SITUATION for all our children leaving school and is being caused by too many parents believing that they can drive right up to the school gates to park. As all the roads that access school are cul-de-sacs it causes a huge problem with parents trying to do three point turns and not being able to move.

    Staff came out to help try to solve the problem only to be spoken to rudely by some parents. We also received complaints from neighbours who were boxed into their own drives by cars parked in front of them.

    This is not a school problem and is not the fault of members of staff. It is caused by parents not thinking about others or consdiering the safety of all the children from Regents Park.

    The ONLY solution is for parents to arrive early and PARK AWAY from school and then walk to the school gates. There is usually space on Herbert Road and then parents can walk across Sara Park. Driving up Camelot Way, Dixon Road or Arthur Street is not an option. This is the same at the start of the day as well as at the end of the day.

    I will be contacting the local police and asking for support and will start to collect registration numbers of cars parked inconsiderately to pass on.

    PLEASE parents, put the safety of ALL the children of Regents Park above your own convenience.

  • Parents' Farewell Tea Party for Mrs Choudhury

    Sun 16 Sep 2018

    I am very sad to let you know that Mrs Ayesha Choudhury, our Parent Support Advisor, is leaving Regents Park on Friday 21st September 


    I’m sure all of you will know Mrs Choudhury as she has worked with many parents and families at the school for over 6 years and has been a familiar face on the school gate and in school helping parents overcome problems and supporting families with issues they may have faced. She has organised classes in school to support parents and contributed to many of the activities we have taken part in to engage the local community. She has been a very caring and hard-working member of our school team who has often given up her own time to ensure that children in our school are supported and able to come to school happy and ready to learn. 


    We are going to miss her; however, we are delighted to say that Mrs Choudhury is going back to school herself as Mrs Choudhury is going to start University later this month! 


    We would like to invite as many parents as possible to come and join us in school on Thursday 20th September from 1.30pm for a Farewell Tea Party for Mrs Choudhury. There will be tea and cakes and the opportunity for you as parents to come and show your appreciation to Mrs Choudhury for all she has done for the children of Regents Park over the years. 


    It is open house so please feel free to come at anytime between 1.30pm and 3pm. If possible could you please let the office know that you will be attending so that we have an idea about how many people to cater for. 


    We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Thursday. 

  • Welcome Back from Mr Beale

    Thu 06 Sep 2018

    Welcome Back to Regents Park!


    Welcome back to a new academic year at Regents Park! We have been excited to see so many smiling faces returning to school over the past couple of faces. We are looking forward to another wonderful year here at Regents Park working in partnership with our parents, families and the community to provide the best education for our children.

    Everyone has an important role to play in school and at home, whether it is teachers, teaching assistant, support staff, parent or relative! We hope to work with you and promise to work hard to do the best for your children.

    Our only request is that you work with us too, making sure your child gets lots of rest, goes to bed early, eats well, reads little but often, completes any homework tasks and returns them to school and, importantly, that you make sure your child is at school by 8.40am every day. Good attendance and punctuality is essential and plays a massive part in making sure that children achieve their best at school.

    We look forward to working in partnership with you and making sure that our children do the best they can again this year.

    Mr Beale


  • Curriculum Overviews 2018 -2019

    Mon 03 Sep 2018
    Updated curriculum overviews for the academic year 2018 - 2019 which show what topics the children will be learning are now available on the school's website. They can be found in 'Key Info - Curriculum'.