
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Breakfast parcels for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium

    Fri 27 Nov 2020 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    As you know, under normal circumstances, we have provided a Breakfast Club for pupils from 8.00am each day before school. This Breakfast Club was initially set up to support pupils that are eligible for Pupil Premium in school and make sure they get a good healthy start to the day.


    Despite this, the Breakfast Club has been open to all pupils if they wanted it at no charge whether they were Pupil Premium eligible or not. However, there has been a cost to the school in providing not only the food but also the staff to run the Breakfast Club. This cost has been met by using some of our Pupil Premium funding.


    Currently we have not been running the Breakfast Club due to concerns we have about how we would remain COVID secure if children from different year groups and class bubbles were mixing in the hall before school.


    However, we do still have the money from our Pupil Premium funding that we had allocated to provide the Breakfast Club and so a decision was made to support those pupils who are Pupil Premium eligible and provide them with the equivalent of a week's worth of food for breakfast. We know how important it is for children to get a good breakfast in the morning and the positive impact it can have on a child's learning.


    Mrs Hazelwood, who is responsible for Pupil Premium spending in school, wrote to all Pupil Premium eligible families and explained that, from this week, we would send these free breakfast food parcels home with each eligible Pupil Premium child. Mrs Hazelwood negotiated a discount with Morrison's and the parcels contain some bread, butter, fruit and a box of cereal.


    This week there has been a lot of work that has gone in to organising all the breakfast food parcels and getting them out to everyone yesterday. However, we have had some feedback from parents asking why some people have got them and others haven't, why some families have got more than one parcel and also about whether it is possible to opt out of having one at all.


    So to clarify:

    • We have allocated one parcel for each child who is eligible for Pupil Premium (i.e. Free School Meals)
    • We do not wish to waste any food so please let us know if you do not wish to receive a breakfast food parcel and we can take your family off the list
    • Similarly, if you have more than one child and don't want each child to bring home a parcel, please let us know
    • We will review how successful this initiative has been at the end of this term
    • When we are able to safely organise the return of our normal Breakfast Club we will do so and let you know.


    Many thanks,


    Mr A Beale

  • Staff training day - school closed on Wednesday 25th November 2020

    Fri 06 Nov 2020 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    I'd like to give you notice that we will be having a staff training day on Wednesday 25th November and, as such, we will be closed to all children on that day.


    In the past we have often had training days on Mondays, usually at the start of a half term. However, to avoid disruption, we have decided that, as we are already closed on Wednesday afternoons, it would be good to choose that day for our training day.


    This means that school will be open on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th November, closed on Wednesday 25th November and then reopen again for Thursday 26th and Friday 27th November.


    Thank you for your understanding,


    Mr Beale

  • School will remain OPEN for all children during lockdown from November 5th

    Wed 04 Nov 2020 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful half term holiday. As you will no doubt be aware, the Prime Minister announced on Saturday that there will be a national lockdown from 5th November until 2nd December.  Whilst this will undoubtedly affect many people and their working arrangements, the Government have made it clear that schools will remain open for all children.  As such, the teachers and staff here at Regents Park will continue to provide the education your children need academically whilst also continuing to support their mental health and wellbeing in school. Government guidance can be read here:


    In terms of what happens within school from Thursday little has changed at present from what we have been doing since September. The Government and the local authority haven’t as yet issued any further guidance for schools so, please be reassured to know that we will continue to take all the precautions that we have been doing so far to keep the children and staff safe in school. These include:


    • Maintaining a reasonable social distance between adults and children where possible
    • Minimising contact between class and year group bubbles in school
    • Minimising movement around school
    • Ensuring there is an increased focus on handwashing and effective hygiene routines for all
    • Making sure that classrooms are well ventilated and encouraging more teaching and learning outdoors where possible
    • Ensuring there is increased cleaning across school throughout the school day
    • Ensuring all pupils and staff follow Government guidance on self-isolation, testing and track and trace procedures


    We ask parents to support us by making sure that you follow the guidelines we have issued previously. I will ask again for ALL parents to wear a mask or face covering when entering the playground to collect children and to maintain at least 2m from all other parents and families.


    Please note that during that during this time, the school building will be heated as normal but windows opened for good ventilation.  This will mean that children will need to wear layers of clothing, i.e. a vest or T shirt under their shirt and wear a jumper or cardigan to school.  All children should bring in a coat for outdoor break and lunch as we will ensure outdoor play unless it is unsafe to do so.


    As school will remain open during this lockdown, remote home learning will only be provided to children if their class or year group bubble closes or they are asked to self isolate for a period of time. We hope that all children not self-isolating will be in school where they will learn best.


    We will update parents if and when we are given any further guidance. In the meantime, we would like to thank you again for your all support. Please remember to keep up to date with more school news on our school website, school app, twitter and by text message.


    Yours faithfully,


    Mr A Beale

