
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • End of Year Newsletter - July 2021

    Tue 20 Jul 2021 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    Firstly, Eid Mubarak to all our children, families and parents celebrating either today or tomorrow. We wish you a safe and happy Eid with your families.


    Tomorrow is offically the last day of term and so we are now at the end of what has been another challenging school year due to the on-going Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused problems for so many people in many different ways but, from a school point of view, it has been hard for pupils, families and staff. Having said that, I'd like to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication during this difficult time.


    To the children, I'd like to say thank you for the way you have shown such perseverance throughout the year in what has been a very difficult time for you. I know that you have made a great effort to keep making progress and succeed and, although I'm sure there is still work to do to catch up, you can feel proud of how you have adapted to learning at home and how you have worked hard when you've been back in school.


    To the parents and families, I'd like to say thank you for your support. At times you have had to manage your own commitments whilst also helping your children with their learning at home which I know has been hard but I hope you feel this has been worthwhile. In continuing to support your children to catch up I'm sure you will continue to work closely together with the staff in school next year. Children learn best when there is a good partnership between school and home.


    I'd like to also thank all the staff of Regents Park and I'm sure you would too, for their hard work and their adaptability in difficult circumstances. They should also be commended for their passion and commitment to making sure that no child at Regents Park gets left behind. They have shown real dedication to making sure that all the children succeed and that parents and families are well supported. I know that this will also continue next year so I hope they all manage to get a good rest during the holidays and recharge their batteries ready to work hard again next year.




    Since Monday, restrictions have begun to be lifted within wider society and, as such, we hope that things will begin to return to normal at school; however, we will be continuing to make decisions to keep everyone safe, including children and staff. We will monitor what happens during the summer but we are hoping to begin lifting our own COVID restrictions in September.


    Certainly, we know at this stage that there will be no more class bubbles and children may not have to self-isolate if someone in their class tests positive for COVID-19 in the future.


    We have also been told that there is no requirement for adults and staff in school to wear face coverings; however, we will keep this under review. It may be that for the first month of the new school year in September that we continue to ask adults who come into the school building to wear a face covering.


    Given the removal of wider COVID restrictions, it is our intention that in September the following things will happen in school:

    • No more class bubbles - children will be able to mix with others in school as well as outside
    • Remove class seating from rows to groups in KS2
    • Return to full school uniform with children changing in school for PE and Forest School
    • Assemblies as normal in school
    • All children returning to have lunch in the dining hall with a choice of food when being served
    • No staggered start or finish to the day (although we may keep some parts of the finish to the day)
    • Breakfast Club and After-School activities to begin from week beginning September 13th


    To help make sure that we do our part to limit the transmission of Coronavirus, we will continue to:

    • Promote good health and hygiene
    • Ensure there is thorough cleaning around school
    • Ensure there is good ventilation in classrooms and shared spaces
    • Encourage all staff, children and parents to follow guidance and advice on quarantine, self-isolation, vaccination and testing


    We will send more updates to parents about our detailed plans for September nearer the start of the new term.




    Last week we were able to get the whole school together in the playground for our Gold Achievers assembly and to be able to say goodbye and good luck to all our Y6 leavers.


    We were also able to watch their Y6 leavers assembly which was recorded and filmed and then shared with the whole school - thank you to the Y6 teachers and Mr Marlowe for their hard work in putting the film together for us. It was sad that we were unable to invite parents into school as we would normally do but Y6 parents still have the chance to see the children perform as the video will stay on our school website until this weekend.


    The Y6 children have worked hard and done incredibly well to make such excellent progress this year and we are very proud of them. Although they have had a disrupted Y5 and Y6, they have risen to the challenge of remote learning when they needed to and worked hard in school to catch up and plug any gaps in their learning. We are confident that the will go on to great success in their respective secondary schools and wish them all the very best for the future.




    It is very sad that we have to say goodbye this summer to some of the staff who have worked so hard with your children in recent years. Unfortunately, the following staff are leaving but we'd like to thank them all and wish them well in their new schools and every success for the future:

    • Miss Miles has worked at Regents Park since 2015 and has taught in Y1, Y3 and Y6. She has also been responsible for Computing across school. We wish her well in her move from Birmingham and at her new school
    • Miss Wilson, Miss Hassan and Miss Ahmed have all taught at Regents Park since 2019. We also wish them all the best in their new schools.




    Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September 2021

    School CLOSED – Staff Training Days

    Monday 6th September 2021

    School is OPEN to all children in Y1 to Y6 with phased starts for children in Nursery and Reception

    Wednesday 8th September

    Reception begin full time at school

    Wednesday 13th September Nursery begin full half day sessions at school

    Friday 22nd October 2021

    School CLOSES for half term

    Monday 1st November 2021

    School REOPENS after half term

    Friday 17th December 2021

    School CLOSES for Christmas holidays

    Tuesday 4th January 2022

    School CLOSED – Staff training day

    Wednesday 5th January 2022

    School REOPENS for all pupils


    Please remember to keep up to date with more school news on our school website, school app, twitter and by text message.


    Have a wonderful Summer everyone and we look forward to seeing you all in September.


    Yours faithfully,

    Mr A Beale




  • URGENT: School Closure on Monday 19th July 2021

    Wed 14 Jul 2021 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    Due to Eid falling on Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st July, we are having to rearrange our staff training day next week from Wednesday to Monday 19th July.


    This means school will not be open to pupils on Monday 19th July.


    Obviously, I apologise for the late notice. Like many of you, we have only just become aware that Eid will fall on Tuesday and Wednesday. Some of our staff will also be celebrating on Wednesday so I hope you will understand the reason for changing the date of the training day at short notice so that they can also celebrate with their families.


    We will be open as normal on Tuesday 20th July and Wednesday 21st July, although I recognise that many children and families will be celebrating Eid on one of these days.


    If you feel that you are a critical worker and are unable to organise childcare for Monday 19th July at short notice, then please ring and contact the office before this Friday 16th July and someone will speak to you about this.


    Yours sincerely


    Mr A Beale

  • Fire alarm incident at lunchtime today - 12/07/21

    Mon 12 Jul 2021

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    Your child/ children may have come home today and told you about an incident that happened at lunchtime when the fire alarm went off. The children were evacuated safely from the building after what was a false alarm. However, the fire alarm could not be turned off due to a fault and children had to wait outside in the playground with staff for an hour before the alarms could be reset.

    This caused a lot of disruption as some children were in the middle of having their dinner and others hadn't had it yet.

    Once the alarm was finally switched off and it was safe to return to the building, all the children ha dtheir dinner although later than usual.

    We apologise that children were left waiting and some had theur dinner later than normal.

    Thanks to all the staff who helped get lunches to the children as quickly as possible.


    Mr Beale
