
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Free sun cream for every child - Thank you @Escentual #sunpoverty

    Wed 22 Jun 2022 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    We are very pleased to let you know that a company called Escentual have been kind enough to donate a small bottle of sun cream to every child at Regents Park! This is part of a campaign they are running to help children to understand the risks of exposure to the sun and encourage them to take measures to protect themselves by using sun cream.


    On the Escentual website, the sun cream they have donated normally retails for £8.95 so it is exceptionally kind of them to donate a bottle to each child at Regents Park.


    Here is a quote from Hannah from Escentual explaining the #sunpoverty campaign they are running:

    I am Hannah from beauty retailer and I would love to involve your school in Escentual's #SunPoverty campaign, working to ensure all children have access to suncream and are educated about the importance of suncare.

    Malignant melanoma is the fastest growing cancer in the UK, with numbers nearly tripling in the past 30 years. In 2018, there were 17,852 new cases and 2,764 deaths, yet 86% of these cases could have been preventable by using a high factor sun lotion which is why we are so passionate about raising awareness.


    Although melanoma is something which mostly affects adults, it is often casued by a build up of skin damage over a long period of time starting from sunburn at an early age. Even one blistering sunburn in childhood or adolescence more than doubles the chances of developing melanoma later in life.


    This is why it is important to teach children now of the risks from overexposure to the sun and get them into the routine of covering up with sun hats and applying sun cream to exposed skin.


    We hope to see the children in school using the sun cream they have been given. It would be good if they keep it in school and get into the habit of applying it before breaktimes and lunchtimes.


    Thank you again to Escentual for their generosity in donating the sun cream and helping to keep the children of Regents Park safe from harmful sun damage.


    Mr Beale

  • Information for parents on coping with weather and extreme heat this term

    Wed 15 Jun 2022 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    Obviously it is great that we are in a period of good weather at the moment, however, we are aware that lots of sunshine and extreme heat can cause problems!


    Today the temperature has already been about 22 degrees but over the next couple of days it is likely to get hotter and possibly reach as high as 30 degrees on Friday. There may well be other very hot, sunny days during this half term.


    It is important to take precautions against such extreme temperatures and the dangers that can be caused by overexposure to the sun. For some, there is also the issue that can caused by a very high pollen count if suffering from hayfever.


    Please make sure that children are suitably dressed for such extreme weather, e.g. removing vests and jumpers and wearing short sleeved shirts instead of long sleeved shirts. It would also be beneficial for children to come to school in a sun hat that they can wear outside in the playground. Children can wear sunglasses to protect themselves from UV, however, these are the children's responsibility and we can't take responsibility for them if they get lost or broken.


    It is important for children to wear sun cream to protect exposed skin, e.g. face, arms, neck, etc. Please make sure this applied before school.


    Because of the extreme heat, children should eat and drink to keep sugar levels up and make sure they are hydrated. Please make sure they have had a proper breakfast and a good drink before school. We will make sure that they have access to plenty of water during the school day.


    Children who suffer from hayfever and pollen allergies should take medication before coming to school and this should protect them for the duration of the school day. Make sure you contact school if you have queries about this.


    Finally, please make sure that your contact details are kept up to date in the office and that someone is always available if they need to be contacted. Should a child need medical attention we will contact you as soon as we can.


    Many thanks,


    Mr Beale



  • Newsletter June 2022 - Dates & events for Summer 2022

    Fri 10 Jun 2022 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    We are now in the final half term of this academic year 2021-2022 but there are lots of things still to do in school and lots happening before we finish for the summer holidays so I want to update you on some dates so that you have them in your diaries (see the end of this newsletter) and send out some general reminders.


    Change to the last day of this term – School will now CLOSE for the Summer holiday to all pupils on Wednesday 20th July 2022 at 3.00pm. There will be a staff training day on Thursday 21st July and all schools are closed on Friday 22nd July to make up for the additional bank holiday for the Queen’s Jubilee which was in half term.


    Start of term in September 2022 – School will REOPEN to pupils after the Summer holiday on Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 8.40am.


    Parents’ Afternoon and Pupil Reports – We will be holding a Parents’ Afternoon on Wednesday 13th July 2022 from 1.00pm to 4.00pm when parents will be invited to come into school, visit their children’s classrooms, chat with their teachers and collect their children’s reports. Between 1.00pm and 3.00pm, we will be staggering entry into school so that we don’t have too many visitors into school at a time – we will send out a link at a later date for you to sign up for an entry time. Once parents have visited their children’s classes, they will be welcome to sign out and take their children home. Parents who can’t come to school before 3.00pm are welcome to sign up and visit the children’s class teachers after school up until 4.00pm.

    Just a reminder that pupil reports will be handed out to parents during the Parents’ Afternoon. Reports that are not collected will be kept in the school office for parents to pick up at a later date.


    Commonwealth Games 2022 – Arts & Sport Fortnight – During the summer, the Commonwealth Games will be taking place in Birmingham. To celebrate this occasion, we will be holding an Arts & Sport Fortnight in school with a Commonwealth Games theme starting on Monday 27th June until Friday 8th July. As well as our usual sports week activities, there will be other arts & sport activities taking place in school that we would like to invite parents to. More information will be sent out but we hope to see as many of you as possible and I’m sure your children will enjoy you supporting them in school.


    Summer Fayre – For the first time since the pandemic, we are hoping to organise a Summer Fayre for children and families in school on the afternoon of Friday 15th July from 1.00pm. We have done something similar in the past and it has worked really well with lots of positive feedback. We are hoping to use this as a way of raising money for our School Fund which pays for children’s parties and other treats and rewards in school to benefit children.

    Mrs Hazelwood is planning the event but if any parents would like to be involved in helping to organise or run stalls, then we’d like to hear from you. You can let Mrs Hazelwood or Mrs Khan know or contact the school office and someone will get back to you. Thank you.

    More information about the Fayre will be sent out at a later date.


    Holidays and trips abroad in term time – We are receiving a number of requests from parents requesting to take children out of school for holidays and trips abroad this term. I know that it has been hard for families to visit relatives abroad in the last two years and that, now restrictions on travel have been lifted, there is a rush to go and see family that are in other countries. However, children’s learning has also been disrupted and it is unacceptable to take children out of school for long periods again during school term time.

    I have to remind all parents that holidays and trips abroad will be marked as unauthorised absence unless there is an immediate emergency. Both parents of children who have a lot of unauthorised absence will receive penalty notices from the local authority – so far this year, parents of 13 children from Regents Park have received penalty notices and more are likely to be issued.

    Please remember that children are learning in lessons right through to the last week of this term and will miss out if they are absent from school. This also applies to the beginning of next term so please make sure children are ready to return on Wednesday 7th September.


    Uniform and PE kit – All parents are aware of what our expectations are regarding children’s uniform and PE kit. However, there are children coming into school on non-PE days in trainers and tracksuits. On PE days, children should still be wearing their school sweatshirts or cardigans. All school jumpers, sweatshirts and cardigans should have a school logo on them (these can be bought from the office). Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform every day and make sure that anything they take off (such as coats and jumpers/ sweatshirts/ cardigans) have their names in them.


    Book amnesty – Please make sure that all children’s library, reading practice and reading passport books have been returned to school by Wednesday 13th July.


    Parking and traffic – During the Spring term, we had a big push on encouraging parents to park away from school and walk with children in order to reduce the dangers of traffic on Camelot Way, Dixon Road and Arthur Street. We also tried to encourage children to walk, scoot or cycle to school. These were very successful and we had lots of positive feedback from parents and the local community about it.

    However, even though generally the weather is better now, we are still seeing cars travelling down these roads as close as they can to get to the school entrances to drop off and pick up children. We are also seeing parents in cars continuing to park on zigzag lines, double parking, parking on pavements, dropping children off in the middle of the road, blocking school entrances and entrances to other people’s properties, etc. All of this is dangerous and puts children at risk.

    Although some parents are dropping off other children to other locations or dropping off on the way to work, I don’t believe that everyone who drives their children to school lives that far away that they need to travel by car. There are often traffic jams on Camelot Way so the time saved by driving up to the school gates is wasted by sitting in traffic either waiting to get in or out of the road.

    Please have consideration for your children and those of other people and park safely away from school and walk to the school gates. Thank you.


    Dates for your diaries/ calendars:

    Wednesday 22nd June – Friday 24th June

    Year 6 Residential

    Monday 27th June – Friday 8th July

    Commonwealth Games – Arts & Sport Fortnight

    Wednesday 29th June

    Year 2 Trip to the Beach

    Wednesday 6th July

    Transition Day – Children meet their new teachers for September 2022

    Wednesday 13th July  1.00pm – 4.00pm

    Parents Afternoon and Reports

    Friday 15th July from 1.00pm

    Summer Fayre

    Monday 18th July

    Celebration Assemblies:

    9.00am – EYFS/ KS1; 10.30am – KS2

    Tuesday 19th July

    Y6 Leavers Assemblies

    2 performances – one in the morning and one in the afternoon; timings to be confirmed

    Wednesday 20th July

    Y6 Graduation Assembly followed by dinner and party

    Wednesday 20th July

    School CLOSES for summer holidays at 3.00pm

    Wednesday 7th September

    School reopens for the new school year


     Mr A Beale

     Head Teacher
