
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


13. What resources does the school offer if my child has significant social and or communication needs?

Where necessary, resources will be available to support the learning of children who have significant social and/or communication needs.


  • Nurture groups, outdoor learning environment.

  • The SENCO and lead teacher for SEND are part of a  'Developing Local Provision' initiative with local schools. The training and partnership will ensure Regents Park effectively supports our children with social, emotional and communication needs.

  • A range of resources available to support pupils with ASD, speech & language, cognition & learning, physical, sensory, hearing, vision and behaviour needs.

  • We will give pre- tutoring and post tutoring support for individuals and groups.

  • Reasonable adjustments to environment, teaching groups and rooms.

  • External agency involvement with PSS, Educational Psychology, Communication and Autism Teacher Speech & Language therapists.

  • Small group work with Learning Mentors.

  • Individual and small group sessions within the Sunshine room and the Sunrise room

  • Individual work stations for pupils where needed.

  • School Speech and Language Therapist ( working in school fortnightly with EYFS children and weekly with children from KS1 and KS2
