
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Creative Arts

Creative Arts

We are a creative school that nurtures the children's creativity through teaching a broad art curriculum, through art competitions, and participation in the Arts Award Explore and Discover schemes. Children across the school also have the opportunity to work with a professional artist who comes in to teach every Monday afternoon. The children are also involved each year in city-wide art projects (e.g. The Smithfield Market design) and Arts Week. 


Music sessions are taught across the school using the Charanga music programme. Children learn to sing and play instruments which include percussion, glockenspiels and djembes. They also listen to a wide variety of music, and learn to read and write Music, and compose their own pieces. Keyboard and guitar lessons are also taught every week by teachers from Birmingham Music service, who also support children to achieve ABRSM Music Medals. Every term, all children perform in our Music concerts, to celebrate their musical achievements. 

The children have been working with our artist to create art displays based around their favourite books. 

Artwork in Reception

Artwork Created within a Music Group

Arts Week 2021

The children have enjoyed a range of creative activities this week, ranging from sculpture to printing. Many children have also had the opportunity to work with an Artists in Forest School. Take a look at their wonderful work below. I'm sure you'll agree that we have very imaginative and talented children in our school.

Singing at the Local Residential Home


Performance club attended the local residential home to sing some Christmas carols! They were brilliant and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - as did the residents! We hope to return in the Spring to show off some more of our fantastic singing!

Swing Band



The children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 3 were treated to a performance from the KES Outreach programme. Both children and staff thouroughly enjoyed the performance and children were highly engaged. The children commented:


"I liked the trumpet." 

"I liked the piano and I would like to play it one day." 

"The incredible music was nice."

"I like the tune when they were playing." 

"I liked it when they sang Merry Christmas." 

"I liked the voices when they were singing."

In the Image and Likeness

After School Art Club


Year 1 and Reception have enjoyed working with our artist in residence to explore different art forms this term.

Artist in Residence

African Empowerment Dance

Some children in Year 1 took part in a dance workshop with the Stago Dance Company. The children were working on empowerment, movement, confidence and motivation through dance. All the children and staff thouroughly enjoyed the workshop and many of the children were positively complimenting themselves as their self-esteem and confidence had grown. The dance company said, ''Year 1 were electrifying at our dance workshop! We would love to come back.''

Arts Award Explore

The children in Year 4 took part in Arts Award Explore to gain accreditation. They visited the Birmingham Nature Centre for inspiration and explored a variety of art forms.



We have all been working really hard in our Spanish lessons! Year 6 have tasted a Paella, Year 4 have been learning about shapes, Year 3 have been learning about animals and using Spanish adjectives and Year 5 are learning all about food using Spanish menus! Keep up the good work!

Spanish Fun!


Year 3 have been making cubes to help create sentences to describe animals in Spanish! Well done children!

~Incredible art work across the school~

Year 2

Year 3


Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Whole school art

Peer Mediation Hut - designed and painted by the children of Regents Park!

Arts Award display

Christmas cup craft competition!

Cedric - our new school mascot! Designed and painted by the children of Regents Park!

Performance Club singing carols at Residential Home

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Performance Club singing carols at Residential Home

Christmas Music concert 2018!

Solo keyboard performance Summer Music concert 2018

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Arts Award Batik

Summer Music concert 2018

Performance Club workshop with Black Voices for Town Hall performance

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Performance Club Rehearsal for Symphony Hall Gala

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Arts Award Batik Workshop with Mrs Buchan

Spring Music Concert - Y4 Storywood Brass Group

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Thank you Storywood for coming and performing for us! We really enjoyed it!

Spring Music Concert - Mr Jackson's performance

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Thank you Mr Jackson for performing for us! We really enjoyed it!

Spring Music Concert - Year 4 Guitar Group

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Well done Year 4! What a fantastic performance!

Children in KS1 and KS2 have been listening to pieces of famous classical music and creating art work inspired by these pieces!

Year 1 have been creating a soundscape of a fire in Music

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Year 4 have been learning to play the glockenspiel in Music!

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Year 5 have been learning to read and write musical notation!

Performance Group perform at local residential home

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Performance Group performed Christmas carols to residents at a local care home. The children and the residents really enjoyed the experience!

Year 2 Christmas Nativity

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Wow! What beautiful singing and acting! Big school productions develop the children's confidence and creative skills.


We have been learning and experiencing the Spanish Catholic celebration 'Semana Santa.'Children made props and floats and paraded like the do in the Spanish streets.

 ¡Feliz Pascua! 


Spanish Club

Spanish club have enjoyed learning a variety of subjects through lots of fun, games, dancing and parties. To really embrace our subject and to experience real Spanish - we went on our trip to a Tapas restaurant in Grand Central Birmingham. The children ordered in Spanish and sampled lots of tapas including calameres (squid) and tortilla de patatas. (Spanish omelette)



Summer Concert 2017 


We had a great time at the Summer Concert. The children have made so much musical progress this year! Well done everyone!

Summer Concert 2017

Arts Week

Arts week has been inspired by our Sun Bear 'Lord Regent of the Forest'. Children entered creative competitions: design our sun bear; make and bake competition ( see twitter for the videos) and the library poster competition. Everyone had fun working on an arts project and the creativity extended to the forest school where sessions led by our forest school teachers were all about getting creative with natural resources. Our Cake sale raised £1000 for the Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Nature Mandalas

A small group of talented children in Year 4 and 5 are working towards their Arts Award Explore. The theme is 'Wild in Art'. Look at their amazing nature mandalas that they created in the Forest School!

Nature Mandalas

We had a great time at the Spring concert. The children wowed us with their singing and guitar, drum and keyboard playing! We even had a brass band join us from Storywood School. What a great experience!

Spring Concert

We had a fantastic time at the Christmas concert! There was singing, and guitar and keyboard playing. Everyone was involved from Nursery to Year 6, even the staff! Looking forward to the Spring Concert already!

Christmas Concert!

We had so much fun recording our CD ready for Christmas 2016! Every child in the school from Nursery to Year 6 was involved. Even the teachers sang a track! CDs can be purchased from the school or at the Christmas concert which will be on Monday 12th December and Tuesday 13th December. 


Recording our Christmas CD!

We are a creative school, we have many different musical lessons being taught every week by specialist teachers from the music service. Children across the school also have the opportunity to work with an artist who comes in to teach every Monday afternoon and all children in Key Stage 2 all learn Spanish, which is taught by Ms Holmes. 


Music is taught across the school by Mrs Dattani, children learn to play instruments which include percussion, glockenspiels and djembes. They also learn to sing songs from a wide variety of musical genres.

This term Mr Khan is running a creative club for Year 1 children.

Every class across the school participated in Art Week. Children enjoyed specialist workshops as well as completing class projects. The outcomes are displayed around the school.

Our summer music concert was a great way to end this years musical journey.

Performance club sang at the Summer Gala along with other schools at the Symphony Hall. It was a fantastic night!

Well done performance club!

Children across the school have an opportunity to work with an artist. These sessions take place every week.

On Thursday's after school Mr Wood runs a Year 6 guitar club. This is the children's third year of learning guitars at Regents Park. We are very proud of their achievements.

Children in Years 3 and 6 are learning to play the keyboard by Mr Lewis.
