Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Hello again reception children and parents . We are now on week 2 of Summer Term 2 and we have lots of exciting activities for you again this week.
Mrs Murphy is reading a story all about a character called 'Hamilton' who loves wearing hats. During the story Hamilton learns about Determination, Kindness, Bravery and Patience - Can you spot these characteristics as he meets new friends? Can you make your own hats like Hamilton's?
Maths activities this week are all about the 'Princess and the Wizard' story by Julia Donaldson.
When you go outside for some fresh air see if you can make a kite like it says on the timetable. Another suggestion is to make some posters reminding people to stay 2 metres apart - Don't forget to send us your brilliant ideas!
This week we also have some new fun exercises to practise from the PE teachers.
Have fun