
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Here you will find out about the teaching and learning that takes place in Year 2. Use the links to find out about English including reading and phonics, Maths, topic and all the other creative things we learn about in school. There is also information on our school day,  important messages, homework as well as resources to use at home with your child.


If you have any questions, you can speak to your child's class teacher or Miss Khan (Assistant Head Teacher Lower School) before and after school. 


Key Information

Class teachers:

2H - Mrs Hemraj

2I - Miss Ikhlaq


School Times

8:40 SOTD/Registration

8:50 - 10:30 - Lessons

10:30 - 10.45 - Break Time

10.45 - 12:00 - Lessons

12:00 - 12.45 - Lunch Time

12.45 - 3.00 - Lessons

3:00 - End of the School Day



Is set every Friday. It is due back the following Monday.

1 piece of English

1 piece of Maths








Our homework can vary week to week and reflects what we have been learning in school.


PE and Outdoor Learning

PE and Forest School take place on Tuesdays for both classes. Please make sure you have the correct PE kit. 



Children will be changing their library book every Friday. 


Home Reader Books


We would encourage everyone to read as much as they can at home as confidence in reading helps with reading comprehension and with writing skills. Every child has been given a yellow reading journal where they need to write the books they are reading at home. Please write a comment about their reading and keep the journal in the book bag during the day so the class teacher can acknowledge what they have read.


Reading Journals and reading books are due back in every Monday
