
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Regents Park Forest School

Forest School gives children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.


Children are given the opportunity to engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in all weathers. Children may explore natural resources, create, climb, play and use a range of tools to shape their environment. During these activities they will learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self-esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.


The Forest School ethos originated in Denmark, where it was found that children who had attended forest school developed strong social and communication skills, the ability to work in groups effectively, high self-esteem, resilience and a confidence in their own abilities. These foundations helped to raise their academic achievements. The Forest School movement continues to provide rich opportunities for children to learn and play in the outdoors.


Our aim is to connect children with the outdoors and each other!


Autumn 2022


It has been a busy start to the school year. Every class has taken part in forest school lessons once a week. Wrapped up on cold days and wellies on in the mud the children have explored with their hands, head and hearts. 

We start with our 3 rules 

1. look after yourself

2. look after each other

3. look after nature and our equipment 


Our lessons begin with sitting around the fire circle checking in and sometimes singing, sharing stories, deciding on a favourite game, finding out what is on offer before heading off for team games and lots of child led exploration and play. Being outside in nature helps everyone’s physical and mental well-being. Without realising children are practising our school values, testing themselves, learning to take risks safely and understanding all about what our natural world has to offer. 

Autumn Term 2022

Amazing art links

Story time

Still image for this video

Autumn 2019

Summer 2019

Summer Term

Forestry Inspiration

Still image for this video

Spring Term

Year 5 Forest School

Year 3 Forest School Fun

Year 2 seaside day and camping trip

Winter is finally on its way out and spring is emerging....

Santa came to visit us with his reindeer!

Winter is here with frosty mornings and blue skies

Autumn 2016 brings laughter on our rope swings, hot chocolate and marshmallows and exploration

Forest School Fun - We started it now you can carry it on! Happy Holidays and enjoy the outdoors....

A Forest School encourages children to:


  • develop personal and social skills
  • work through practical problems and challenges
  • use tools to create, build or manage
  • discover how they learn best
  • pursue knowledge that interests them
  • learn how to manage failures
  • build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
  • develop practical skills
  • understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
  • explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
  • regularly experience achievement and success
  • reflect on learning and experiences
  • develop their language and communication skills
  • improve physical motor skills
  • become more motivated
  • improve their concentration skills

Exploring the forest

Useful websites

Get the Wildtime App

(available from the app store and google play)

What the children say


We enjoy.....


  • Making stick man’s family
  • Being outside and making things outside
  • Building dens
  • Making and flying kites
  • I love Forest School because we have adventures
  • Singing especially ‘Let’s go fly a kite’ and not caring
  • Making different sculptures in the woods
  • I love forest school, all of it!


We feel.....


  • Happy – I want more fun outside
  • Excited to be outside
  • Warm from hot chocolate
  • I feel happy in the rain because we get to jump in puddles
  • Relaxed – I fell asleep in the grass!
  • The wind in my hair made me feel dizzy


We learn....


  • How to make lots of things
  • To follow rules to keep us safe
  • That playing on my own is ok
  • How to listen to my friends
  • All about birds and leaves

Autumn in pictures

Winter Woodland

Wild in the Winter

Spring has sprung

Summer in Regents Park
