
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Year 4

Remote Learning for week beginning 18th January

Live sessions will take place at 9:30am for Year 4. Make sure you are on.

Remote Learning for Week Beginning Monday 11th January

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are all rested up ready for a week of work. The timetable above will help you organise your school day and give you an overview of the week. 


This week there will be three live sessions on Teams which your teacher will let you know about. It is important you complete all the work given for that day and save your work so that your teacher can comment on it.

There are three live sessions on team:


4H - Monday at 10am on Teams

4SA - Tuesday at 10am on Teams

4C - Wednesday at 10am on Teams

It is an expectation that you attend the lesson and use the opportunity to ask any questions you have.



How to use Microsoft Teams Help sheet

Friday 8th January
Thursday 7th January 
Wednesday 6th January 

Reading - Read Chapter 2 of The Firebird

Tuesday 5th January 

Reading - Read chapter 1 of The Firebird

Friday 18th December 

Thursday 17th December 

Wednesday 16th December 

Tuesday 15th December 

Monday 14th December 

Friday 11th December 

Thursday 10th December 

English - using your notes from last lesson write your own non chronological report all about Spain

Wednesday 9th December 

English - make notes all about Spain using the information

Tuesday 8th December 

English - identify the features of this non chronological report using the checklist

Monday 7th December 

English - identify the features of the non chronological report using the checklist

Friday 4th December 

Thursday 3rd December 

Wednesday 2nd December 

Tuesday 1st December 

Monday 30th November 

Friday 27th November 

English - using your plan from last lesson create a persuasive holiday leaflet for Austria

Thursday 26th November 

English - read the report and create your own plan for a persuasive holiday leaflet on Austria

Wednesday 25th November 

Tuesday 24th November 

Monday 23rd November 

Friday 20th November 

Thursday 19th November 

Wednesday 18th November 

English - Read the persuasive advert and use the checklist to tick off features you can see

Tuesday 17th November 

English - Read the persuasive advert and use the checklist to tick off features you can see.

Monday 16th November

Friday 13th November 

Thursday 12th November 

English - now write your own adventure story on the template

Wednesday 11th November 

English - create a plan for an adventure story

Tuesday 10th November 

Monday 9th November 

Home Learning Friday 6th November

Home Learning Thursday 5th November

Home Learning Wednesday 4th November

Home Learning Tuesday 3rd November

Home Learning Monday 2nd November 

English - choose a setting and use the word bank to describe what you could see, hear and smell

English - handwriting and reading comprehension

Home Learning Friday 16th October 

English - complete the poetry comprehension

Home Learning Thursday 15th October 

Home Learning Wednesday 14th October 

English - complete homophones activity, create your own version of the Magic Box poem

Home Learning Tuesday 13th October 

English - complete the finding adjectives sheet, write a blurb about the most recent book you have read

Home Learning Monday 12th October 

Home Learning Friday 9th October 

English and Black History week - Read the information on Mary Seacole, complete the timeline activity and write an acrostic poem

Home Learning for Thursday 8th October 

Maths - mental strategies

Home Learning Thursday 8th October 2020

Summer home learning

Enjoy writing and expressing yourself - have a go!
Remember to email a piece of work that you are proud to share on mail
4SA - Well done to CELINA for reaching a million words. yes

4C- Well done to Ashwaq, Mohammed, Seema, Aatikah, Sam, Maria, Zayaan, Rafin, Nishat, Mia, Siraaj, Mariam, Bushra, Maleeha and Manaal for completing the latest Accelerated Maths assignment.

Well done to these children for taking an Accelerated Reader quiz this week- Ibrahim, Zulqurnain, Sam, Maria, Ayman, Mia and Manaal. Manaal you have reached one million words, fantastic! laugh

4SA - Well done to Hasanah, Abdurahman, Siddig and Sohaib for using Accelerated Maths.

Reader of the week - Sarinasmiley You passed three quizzes in the past two weeks.


Eid Mubarak to all the families who celebrated Eid this week. Continue to stay safe and remember to do something every day.

4C- Well done to Ashwaq, Seema, Anas, Saif, Sam, Maria, Samiullah, Inaaya, Siraaj, Mia and Manaal for taking Accelerated Reader quizzes and to those children who have been completing Accelerated Maths.

Keep up the great work!


4SA - Well done to Maarwah for reading and completing Accelerated Maths. Your a star. yes



Well done to Tasmin who is this week's star of the week for Accelerated Reader. Fantastic effort reaching over one million words. Keep up the brilliant work! 


Also well done to these children for continuing to complete Accelerated Reader; Lina, Aisha, Mahum, Rayyan M, Zeeshan, Surayyah and Nazeeha. Well done to all of you!


Well done to these children for completing their Accelerated Maths and keeping up the good work; Muhannad, Hajra, Rayan A, Lina, Albaraa, Tasmin, Ibraheem, Aisha, Rayyan M, Nazeeha, Asiya and Ahmed. Keep up the fantastic work!



Well done to these children in 4SA:

Zaina, Celina, Amani and Talha for using Accelerated Maths smiley 

Siddig and Celina for using AR and passing a quiz.


Star of the Week: CELINA 4SA yes 


Summer Week 2 Stars (week beginning 27th April 2020)


Well done to Amani in 4SA for using Accelerated Mathsyes

A great effort to Hasanah for trying an AR quiz last week.smiley


4SA Stars for this week: 

Congratulations to Siddig and Mujtaba for completing AR quizzes last week and to Zaeemah, Siddig, Talha, Hasanah and Zara for using Accelerated Maths.


Star of the Week: Siddig yes


4C: Well done to Mohammed, Mia, Mariam and Maria for completing quizzes on Accelerated Reader.

Well done to Maria, Sam, Mohammed, Nabid, Rafin, Siraaj, Mia and Manaal for completing Accelerated Maths.

Keep up the hard work everyone!
