Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Extra once a week: Practise using your phonics to read each set of words and work through the activity mats.
There are also Phoneme Spotter activities to complete once a week for Phases 3 and 5.
There is also a Phase 5 and Phase 3 Phonics Book to complete.
Reading Comprehension once a week:
Jack and the Beanstalk
Red and Yellow 1
Green and Purple 2
Blue 3
Lesson 1
Use Digimaps (see link below and log in details for Digimaps) to find England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales in the UK. Can the children find Birmingham and where they live?
Log in details for Digimaps
Username: B100NJ
Password: gwodds9188
Map Manager Tool PIN: 3431
UK Map
Lesson 2
Using Digimaps (See lesson 1)
Label the 4 countries in the UK on the map.
Lesson 3
Compare the 4 different flags representing the UK and have a go drawing and colouring them Go through the PowerPoint and information sheet to help you.
Human and Physical Geography
Lesson 4
Go through the PowerPoint and discuss the difference between Human and Physical Geography.
Use the pictures to sort the buildings and landmarks into two piles Human Geography and Physical Geography
Lesson 5
Read the PowePoint on Kenya.
Discuss the Similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK. Using the template write some down. E.g.
Similarity – People live in both countries.
Difference – They have different flags
Work through some of the Mindfulness challenge cards.