
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


School Dinners

At lunch time your child may:


Dinner Money

School meal times are very important in providing opportunities for good social skills and behaviour development.


Healthy, balanced meals are cooked on the premises and served daily by our new catering company, Redcliffe.  A choice of meals is provided, which includes a vegetarian option.  Our suppliers of meat and poultry products are HMC certified.


We are constantly striving to develop and improve our menus.  The School Council is actively involved in discussions with the School Cook and puts forward pupils’ menu requests.


A ‘Salad Cart’ selection is available daily as an alternative to vegetables.  Fresh drinking water and a selection of bread are also available.


Occasionally we have special themed lunches which reflect current learning or festivals, and of course, there is the children’s favourite, Pizza Friday!


Food is ordered well in advance and so in order to assist the catering team, we ask that 6 weeks (half term) notice is given should you wish your child to change their dinner time option (school meals to sandwiches or vice versa).  However, should your child require a school meal on a particular day due to special circumstances, we would of course be able to accommodate this.


Dinner money should be paid to the school office on a weekly basis, in advance, on Monday mornings.  From September 2017, the price for a school dinner is £2.25 per day, £11.25 per week.

Please send dinner money in a sealed bag or envelope, clearly marked with your Child’s Name and Class.


Should you choose to pay by cheque, this should also be paid in advance, and made payable to Regents Park School.  Your Child’s Name and Class must be written on the reverse of the cheque. 


If your child is absent, and you have paid in advance, any credits will be carried forward to the following week.


The table below gives a breakdown of dinner money amounts:



1 Day

2 Days

3 Days

4 Days

5 Days


1 Child






2 Children






3 Children






4 Children







Please send in the correct amount of dinner money as the office does not have the facility to give change 


Any surplus dinner money will be donated to school fund


Free School Meals

Children are entitled to free school meals if parents are claiming

Income Support (IS)

  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance (IB JSA)
  • An Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA IR)
  • Child Tax Credits, providing there is no element of Working Tax Credit and the annual income does not exceed £16,190 
  • Support under part V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of state pension credit


To apply for free school meals, please visit the following link -

If you are in receipt of any of the benefits detailed above, but would prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch from home or opt to go home for dinners, a Free School Meals application will still need to be completed to show that you are aware of your entitlement, please visit the following link -


Packed Lunch

We encourage children bringing sandwiches from home to have a ‘healthy lunchbox,’ that is nutritionally balanced.


A balanced packed lunch should contain:

  • Starchy foods. These are bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, and others
  • Protein foods. These are meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
  • A dairy item. This could be cheese or yoghurt
  • Vegetables or salad, and a portion of fruit
  • A drink, such as water or juice


Crisps, chocolate and fizzy drinks should not be included.

For ideas, please refer to websites such as Change4Life or Netmums     


Home Dinners

If you decide to take your child home for dinner, please make sure they are back in school in good time for their afternoon session.
