
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!



Try out this lesson with Miss Harrison (Senorita Harrison!)

Here are some more answers! Remember not to cheat if you haven't already done them! I suggest you try to do one double page per week but if you are doing online games or other activities - that's great too!


Animals PART 1

Animals PART 2



I hope you are all working hard and having fun! Remember- you learn more when you're having fun!


Did you manage to have a go on the 'Crickweb' games on the link I put on your page?


Here are the answers to the Number section of your workbook....


Remember - do not race through the book - unless of course you are super excited and are enjoying it!


Number PART 1

Number answers PART 2

Hola Classe 5!


I hope you have begun to complete the Spanish booklet I gave you in your home learning pack  I will post the answers of each section every week so please don't think you need to rush through the whole thing - maybe you could teach some of your family the vocabulary too!


Here they are:

'Hello' answers PART 1


'Hello' answers PART 2



