
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!



At Regents Park School, we focus on teaching pupils the building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with a focus on friendships and relationships with other children, relationships within families and relationships with other adults. This includes relationships online. This will also be taught alongside the essential understanding within the science curriculum.

Relationships and Health Education Consultation 2021

Still image for this video
This consultation ended on the 26th May 2021. This short video will provide you with the information that has been shared about how we will be meeting the curriculum requirements at Regents Park school.

Curriculum Statement


Progression of Skills

The DfE has published an FAQ document for parents to help them understand the changes made to statutory RHE from September 2020. The FAQ is also available in Arabic and Urdu, and can be found at the link below.
