Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
I'd like to make you aware that we have made an amendment to the school Attendance & Punctuality policy regarding the time that school registers close. From Monday 5th February 2024, school registers will officially close at 9.00am and pupils who arrive after this time will receive a U code which is categorised as an unauthorised absence and will affect their attendance. This is a change from previously when school registers have closed at 9.10am.
As you know, school starts and learning in class begins at 8.40am. Gates remain open until 8.50am for families who may on the odd occasion be running late. Once the gates close, pupils who arrive late have to arrive at the office with their parents and they are marked with an L code (i.e. Late before the registers close). This is a late mark but does not count against a pupil's attendance. The number of late marks a child receives are monitored and parents may be invited into school for a discussion if children continue to be late.
However, from 9.00am, pupils who arrive late will have arrived after school registers have officially closed and will be given a U code (i.e. Late after the registers close). This is classed as an unauthorised absence and will affect your child's overall absence.
Again, parents of children receiving U codes on the register may be invited into school to discuss this issue. Parents should also be reminded that 10 unauthorised absences (i.e. 10 sessions such as 10 U codes or 5 whole days) could lead to parents receiving a penalty notice for each child affected.
Obviously, we wish to see all children in school on time at 8.40am every day and hope to encourage parents to make sure they support their children and school in doing so.
Mr Beale