Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Tomorrow (Friday 1st April) is the last day of the Big Walk & Wheel!
We have done brilliantly over the last two weeks with over 71% of all journeys to school being taken by scooter, walking or bike.
Currently we are 188th out of 758 large primary schools taking part in the UK, 36th in the Midlands and in 1st place for large primary schools in Birmingham!
As tomorrow is the last day, we will be giving out prizes for all those children who walk, scoot or cycle to school on Friday. When children collect a token tomorrow, they will need to write their name and class on the back and hand it to theirteacher (make sure you cross out any names already on the token). We will then draw winners in celebration assemblies next week. There will be winners in each class so even if you haven’t walked, scooted or cycled so far you could win if you do so tomorrow!
If you scoot or cycle tomorrow you will have double chances of winning a prize as we will pick two of each!
Don’t forget, once the Big Walk & Wheel has ended we would like you to continue to walk, scoot and cycle to school as often as you can!