Dear Parents/ Carers,
Next week is our last week before we close for the Half Term holiday. We have Celebration Assemblies on Monday for Upper School and on Tuesday for EYFS and Lower School, followed by a class assembly for 2I on Friday morning at 9.00am.
We then CLOSE on Friday 14th February at 3.00pm for the Half Term holiday.
School will be CLOSED from Monday 17th to Friday 21st February for the Half Term holiday.
We REOPEN on Monday 24th February at 8.40am as normal.
I'd also like to give you notice that school will be CLOSED to pupils for the day on Wednesday 26th February for a staff training day. Parents will need to make arrangements to look after children on this day.
School will be OPEN as normal on Thursday 27th February at 8.40am for all children.
Dates for your diaries:
- Friday 7th February - NSPCC Number Day
- Monday 10th February at 9.00am - Upper School Celebration Assembly
- Tuesday 11th February at 9.00am - EYFS/ Lower School Celebration Assembly
- Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day
- Friday 14th February at 9.00am - 2I Class Assembly
- Friday 14th February at 3.00pm - School CLOSES for half term holiday
- Monday 17th to Friday 21st February - School CLOSED for half term holiday
- Monday 24th February at 8.40am - School REOPENS for all pupils
- Wednesday 26th February - School CLOSED for Staff Training Day
- Thursday 27th February at 8.40am - School REOPENS for all pupils
- Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
- Friday 14th March at 9.00am - 1A Class Assembly
- Friday 28th March at 9.00am - 1B Class Assembly
- Monday 7th April at 9.00am - Upper School Celebration Assembly
- Tuesday 8th April at 9.00am - EYFS/ Lower School Celebration Assembly
- Friday 11th April at 3.00pm - School CLOSES for Easter holiday
- Monday 14th to Friday 25th April - School CLOSED for Easter holiday
- Monday 28th February at 8.40am - School REOPENS for all pupils