
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Have a wonderful half term holiday!

Dear Parents/ Carers,


Today we close for the half term holiday. School will be closed next week (Monday 15th to Friday 19th February). We reopen on Monday 22nd February for Critical Worker and Vulnerable children; other children will continue with remote learning at home from that date.


Staff may have given children some activities to do during the holiday but there is no expectation for children to be learning online every day like there has been during term time. Next week is a good opportunity for children (and staff) to have a break from laptop and iPad screens and do other things around the house and outdoors where they can.


Please make sure that you continue to stay safe and follow guidelines on Coronavirus when you can. We obviously hope it won't be too long before we begin to have more children back in school but this will all depend on Government decisions and on local infection rates.


Don't forget that if you need to contact school during the holiday (e.g. if your child develops symptoms or tests positive) then you can email school using the address and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


Have a really good holiday everyone and see you on Monday 22nd February!


Mr Beale

