
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Headteacher's message to parents - First full week back at school

Dear Parents and Carers,


This has been the first full week back at school and it has been wonderful to see so many parents and children at the school gates this week. As you know by now, we have made some changes to the way children arrive and finish at school and changes through the school day in how we organise playtimes and lunchtimes. I have to say THANK YOU to you all for your understanding and how supportive you have been during this first week. There have been one or two parents who have forgotten their family's start and finish times or who have arrived at school without a face covering but, on the whole, I think everyone has been very understanding of what we are trying to do, very polite and helpful towards staff and our procedures have become smoother each day.


We have had a good week in school with the children, who have seemed very happy and excited to be back. They have been delighted to see their friends in their classes and teachers have told me that they have been keen to catch up on their learning.


Obviously, it is a concern that some children may have fallen behind in their learning so we do urge you to make sure that the children are in school every day unless they are unwell or self-isolating. The teachers have worked hard to plan learning to help children catch up quickly but it can only happen effectively if children are in school as often as possible.


Attendance, which was excellent last Thursday and Friday, has fallen this week unfortunately but we do understand that some parents may have concerns about the ongoing issue of COVID-19. However, we can assure you that we have followed Government and Local Authority advice carefully and have put lots of measures in place, not just to protect the children but also the staff and parents too.


In a school the size of Regents Park, there will obviously be the possibility of children and adults testing positive for COVID-19 and, like this week, we may have to close a class bubble and ask the children and staff in that bubble to self-isolate for 14 days. This does not mean that the children self-isolating, or any of the other children in school, are at greater risk of catching Coronavirus. It just means we are being cautious, following Public Health guidance and working closely with Birmingham Public Health to make sure that everyone - pupils, staff and parents - are kept safe in school. 


I do hope that all parents and carers will trust us to do everything we can to look after your children, make sure they are safe and make sure we are helping them with their learning.


When searching for information about Coronavirus and about what is happening in school, please remember to get your information from reliable sources. We have created a page on the school website with information for parents about Coronavirus.


We are always wiling to speak to parents so, if there are any specific concerns or questions you have, please feel free to ring via the school office (0121 464 6746) to speak to Mr Beale or Miss Paddem or email us at


Thank you again for all your support
