Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents,
As part of our on-going monitoring of lunch boxes, we have noticed that many of the packed lunches are full of foods that contain too much fat, high sugar and salt levels and not enough fruit and vegetables that provide essential nutrients. In many of the lunchboxes, children are being provided with cakes, biscuits, chocolate spread sandwiches, cold burgers and chips, fizzy drinks such as coke and Lucozade all of which have very little nutritional value.
The packed lunch represents approximately a third of the child’s daily food intake and therefore it is important that it offers a meal in line with the guidance to ensure that all the nutrients needed are provided.
A good packed lunch contains:
· A carbohydrate, such as bread, rolls, pitta bread, naan bread, potatoes, rice, noodles. These foods are good for children to fill up on.
· A good source of protein, iron and zinc such as meat, fish, beans or eggs
· A good source of calcium such as milk, cheese, yoghurt or fromage frais
· And one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetable or salad to provide all the other vitamins and minerals. A piece of fruit could be a 100% juice or piece of fresh fruit, dried fruit or tinned fruit in fruit juice. A piece of vegetable could be fresh vegetables such as carrot or cucumber sticks, salad or vegetable soup.
Thank you for your continued support and if you wish to discuss how to replace items in order to make lunches healthier, please make an appointment to see Mrs McDonald, Mrs Khan (parent support officer) or any of the leadership team who will be more than happy to help and support.