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Regents Park Community Primary School

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Letter for parents about our recent OFSTED inspection

Friday 5th December 2014


OFSTED INSPECTION – 12th-13th November 2014


Dear Parents,


We have now received the final report from OFSTED following our inspection on 13th and 14th November 2014. The full report will be published on the OFSTED website on Monday 8th December 2014. However we are allowed to inform parents and carers of the outcome in advance.


The grades that can be awarded are Outstanding (1), Good (2), Requires Improvement (3) or Inadequate (4). In recent years the term ‘Requires Improvement’ has replaced the previous grading of ‘Satisfactory’ in the new OFSTED inspections.


Previously the school was judged as ‘Outstanding’ (1) in November 2011. However, in this recent inspection, the school was judged overall to be within the category of ‘Requires Improvement’ (3).


Having said that, the inspectors found many positive strengths within the school and were satisfied that the school is already making progress towards ensuring high quality teaching and learning for the children of Regents Park Primary School.


OFSTED said that school leaders ‘have a clear and accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses. They are bringing about the necessary improvements to teaching and pupils’ learning.’


OFSTED also praised the work the school is doing to protect pupils and keep them safe and that a lot of work is done to support children’s personal development and wellbeing.


Inspectors identified that behaviour, both in lessons and around the school, is good and recognised that children are polite, have good manners, show respect for others and are helpful and courteous.


The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum that includes all subjects of the National Curriculum and meets statutory requirements. Children enjoy clubs, the residential trip and a range of visitors who come to share their knowledge and experience which helps them to learn about life in today’s world.


The report also recognises that the newly reconstituted governing body are aware of the importance of their role in challenging the school’s leadership to ensure that the right priorities are being pursued and are developing an understanding of the impact of actions taken to improve teaching.

Obviously, inspectors also highlighted a number of key areas which require improvement.

These include:

  • improving the overall quality of teaching across school – there is some good teaching but it is inconsistent
  • pupils across school from EYFS to Y6 need to make better progress in the core areas of reading, writing and maths and staff need to monitor progress  more closely
  • teachers need to consistently correct pupils’ grammar, punctuation and spelling errors in order to improve their writing
  • reading across school needs to be taught consistently with a more coherent whole-school approach


It is obviously very disappointing for all members of staff that the outcome of the inspection has found that the school requires improvement and will undoubtedly be very disappointing for you as parents also. However, it must be said that all staff in school are committed to providing the best education for the children of Regents Park Primary School. To a certain extent the outcome of the inspection was not a surprise given the turbulent and unsettled year the school experienced during 2013-14.


With the publication of the report, now is the time to look forward and continue to address the issues that you as parents are most concerned about – that is ensuring that the children of Regents Park Community Primary School receive the high quality education that they deserve in a safe environment where all children are supported to reach their potential. We hope that you as parents will continue to support us with this aim.


To give parents more opportunity to discuss concerns you may have regarding the OFSTED report and the progress that we are already making in improving the school, we would like to invite you to an open parents’ meeting at school on Tuesday 9th December 2014. There will be two meetings for you to attend, either at 9.10am or at 3.10pm. The school will organise crèche facilities for parents with very young children.


We look forward to having the opportunity to talk further with you at that time.


Yours sincerely,




Mr A Beale

Mrs J Jones

Head of School

Executive Headteacher




