
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


New Year's Resolution - Being More Healthy


Happy New Year to all the children and families of Regents Park


Dear Parents & Carers,


I hope you have all had a good holiday. It’s good to be back and we are looking forward to a successful 2019!


New Year’s Resolution – Being more healthy!


At the start of the year many of you will have made New Year’s Resolutions – I hope you are keeping to them! At Regents Park, we would also like to start the New Year by making a resolution to encourage the children to be healthy, to give them opportunities to exercise and to think about what they eat.


I’m sure you will have seen the news in the last week about the amount of sugar children are eating and how, by the age of 10, many children have already eaten more than the recommended amount for an 18 year old. We are aware that although we provide balanced school meals and encourage children to bring healthy packed lunches, there are still many occasions when children are not eating healthily in school.


One concern is the amount of sweets and chocolate that children bring into school to share. This is often because of birthdays but recently children have also been bringing in sweets and chocolate for other reasons such as births, holidays, celebrations, etc. This ends up being a lot of sweets and chocolate! As well as being unhealthy, there are a number of other concerns about children bringing in sweets and chocolate including the worry about other children with allergies and also the cost for parents of buying so many bags and boxes of sweets.


We know that children enjoy celebrating their birthdays and we don’t wish to discourage this, so as an alternative we are proposing that, instead of bringing in sweets and chocolate, on their birthdays children can wear their own clothes for the day and, if they wish to, they can bring in £2 and buy a book from the class teacher to donate to the class. We will organise to provide a box of books for the children to choose from and for a label to be stuck into the book with the child’s name to say that it is a gift to the class for their birthday. I’m sure you’ll agree that it would be a much healthier and better alternative instead of buying all those sweets and chocolate!


I’m hoping that you will join us in our New Year’s Resolution. We hope to promote other ways during the year of encouraging the children to be more healthy in 2019 and I’m hoping you will support us at home.
