Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Thank you for your support and understanding during what has been another difficult term for everyone at Regents Park. As you know, for much of the term school was closed for most children during lockdown. Despite this closure, all the staff at Regents Park were busy making sure that the children were safe and supported with their learning.
I believe that the teaching staff did a fantastic job of organising (at short notice) remote learning for children at home whilst other support staff continued to work in school every day during lockdown to support critical worker and vulnerable children in school. Other support staff were involved in making sure that laptops and tablets were loaned out to families that needed them, that vouchers were given to families that are eligible for free school meals, children and parents that needed pastoral support were given necessary help and guidance and, of course, that school continued to remain open and was a safe and clean environment for everyone.
Since we reopened for all pupils on March 8th, all the staff have continued to work hard and help all children to continue to make progress. Staff have supported children where they have found it difficult to return to school and to reassure parents that may have been anxious. The children enjoyed the opportunity to be eased back into school life again, particularly by taking part in their arts focus week which gave them a chance to do something which was fun, creative and practical instead of staring at a computer screen. Since then they have begun to do assessments and teachers are planning work for the summer term to help children to catch up and plug where there may be gaps in their learning.
I’m sure as parents you are aware of the hard work that all of the teachers and staff at Regents Park have put in to support your children and families during this term and throughout the last 12 months and you’d be happy for me to thank them all on your behalf.
Easter holidays– We are closed from 3.00pm today (April 1st) for the Easter holidays and will reopen for all children on Monday 19th April 2021.
It’s important that you contact us if your child develops COVID symptoms during the holiday and/ or tests positive. Please contact school by email using the school email address (enquiry@rgntpark.bham.sch.uk) and make sure you state your children’s full names and class names when you contact us. Please do not ring and leave a voicemail as we may not pick up your message until after the holiday.
COVID Guidelines in school after Easter– Again, thank you for your understanding about the COVID guidelines that have been in place since September and that resumed when we reopened for all pupils from March 8th. Although there has been some easing of COVID restrictions this week and there will be more from April 12th, we will return to school on April 19th following the same COVID guidelines that are currently in place. For example, this means continuing with:
Staggered finish times at 2.50pm and 3.00pm with arrangements for children to be picked up at either Dixon Road, Camelot Way or Arthur Street
Children remaining in class bubbles indoors and year group bubbles when outside in the playground
Staggered playtimes and lunchtimes with KS2 children having their lunch in their classrooms
Parents being allowed on site to collect children providing they are wearing a face covering
No parents or visitors allowed on site without an appointment
Expectations that any child or adult who is showing signs of COVID symptoms will not be allowed in school, should get tested and will only return if they have a negative PCR test or have self-isolated for 10 days and no longer have symptoms
Ramadan and Eid – When we return after the holiday it will be Ramadan will have begun. I understand what an important time this is in the Islamic Year and I appreciate the observance of fasting for adults and children of secondary school age during this time. I also recognise that some older junior school children may want to undertake a partial fast during Ramadan.
However, please try to encourage your children to be sensible about fasting. School is an extremely busy working place and fasting may not be appropriate for some children. I have had advice that primary age children are not expected to keep the fast every day. Due to the time of year that Ramadan is in this year, the days are getting longer and may be hot, so it would be good if your children were encouraged to fast at weekends with the family instead of during the week when they are at school.
As such, we do not expect any children younger than year 5 to be fasting at school. If you would like an older junior child (years 5 & 6) to fast during the school day, please support us by writing a letter before they begin the fast so that we are kept informed about dinner numbers. Kitchen staff work very hard and we do not want to waste a lot of food during the month of Ramadan.
We know that the date for Eid is not yet known and may not be the same for different families. We will be able to authorise one day of absence for children on the basis of religious observance for those children whose families are celebrating Eid.
Notifications and dates coming up:
Assemblies – These will continue online during the Summer term. I have been doing a weekly assembly which has been posted on the school website to recognise those children who have stood out as Star Learners each week. This has also included the latest news for parents so please look out for it.
Bank holiday and closure for Local Election Day – There is a bank holiday on Monday 3rd May and so the school will be closed on that day. During the same week there is a local election on Thursday 6th May and because the school is used as a polling station we will be closed on that day also. We will use the day as a staff training day instead.
We will continue to update parents if there are any changes but, in the meantime, we would like to thank you again for your all support. Please remember to keep up to date with more school news on our school website, school app, twitter and by text message.
Take care everybody and have an enjoyable and safe holiday,
Mr A Beale
Head Teacher