Dear Parents/ Carers,
I'm pleased to confirm that we will be organising Parents' Evenings next week.
We are organising two after-school Parents' Evenings, one on Tuesday 8th March and the other on Wednesday 9th March. Parents' Evenings on both afternoons will begin at 3.15pm and finish at 5.45pm (3H and 3N will begin at 3.05pm).
As before, parents will be asked to use an online booking system to book a 10 minute slot with their children's class teachers on one of the two Parents' Evenings.
We will have to be quite strict about the timings of the appointments so please don't be late and please don't be offended if the teacher has to end the appointment after to 10 minutes to meet the next parent.
Coronavirus guidelines for Parents' Evenings:
Coronavirus restrictions have now ended; however, we would ask you to follow some simple guidelines:
- It's useful for children and parents to attend but please try to keep to a mimumum the number of other family members attending
- Parents should arrive at school no earlier than 10 minutes before their first appointment
- Entrance to the school site will be via Arthur Street or Dixon Road and entrance to the building will be via the outside door to the main hall under the canopy
- Adults will sign in and may wish to wear a face covering when moving around school
- Teachers will make sure that there is a reasonable social distance between themselves and parents in the classroom. Windows and doors will be open to ensure there is adequate ventilation
- Please try to follow good practice for limiting potential spread of Coronavirus, e.g. maintain social distance at all times, use handgel, wear face coverings to protect others when moving around school
- Please do not attend if you feel unwell or if another member of your family is unwell - we can rearrange your appointment with the class teacher for another time
Booking appointments with your child's class teacher:
- We are going to use an online system through the school website for booking appointments with class teachers
- In order to book an appointment we will send an email to the email address of the parent who is listed as the First Contact on our school information system
- The email will have a link to click on and you will then be able to choose which day and at which time you would like to book the appointment - please make a note of the date and time that you choose
- You will receive an email for each of your children so you will need to open each one and book for each child
- We would advise that you allow 10 minutes between the end of one meeting and the start of the next, e.g. if you book an appointment to start at 3.15pm which ends at 3.25pm, you should book the next appointment for 3.35pm to give you time to get to the next classroom
- If you don't receive an email, this is because either we don't have an email address for you or the email you have given us is wrong. If you don't receive an email by Wednesday 2nd March, then please contact the office with your updated email address and a link to book your appointment will be sent out to you
- If you don't have an email address at all and don't wish to use one, then you can contact the office and they can assign you a date and time for your appointment
We're looking forward to welcoming all parents into school on either the 8th or 9th March. If anything changes, we will let you know so please look out for any messages we send via text.
We look forward to seeing you all,
Mr Beale