
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Ramadan Food Collection 2021 - Information for Parents

Ramadan Food Collection

Dear Parents,


At Regents Park Community Primary School, we feel it is important to recognise the key religious events of all members of our school and the local community. 


As it is the month of Ramadan, this is a time when we think more about helping and giving food to those in need. This year we will be collecting food for Green Lane Masjid Food Bank who support the elderly, homeless and others in need.


It would be great if all children were able to make a small contribution.  If you have any dried or tinned food that you wish to donate, please could you send this in with your child by Friday 30th April, to your child’s class.


We really appreciated the donations that were made in previous years towards the various charities which were very much welcomed by them.


We hope we can continue to support those in need within our community.


Thank you for your support,


Mr Beale

Head Teacher
