Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
I am really pleased to let you know the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection.
As you know, we were visited by Ofsted on 1st and 2nd December 202, who inspected all aspects of school, including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, Early Years provision and safeguarding.
I am delighted to let you know that all areas were judged as GOOD and, as a result, the overall effectiveness of the school was judged to be GOOD.
The report is now published and all parents are receiving a copy of the report. It is also available on the school website (click this link: https://bit.ly/33ysOtK) and will soon be available on the Ofsted website itself.
I am really pleased with the outcome of the inspection and I feel it reflects the hard work and dedication of all members of staff and the support of governors in continuing to drive the school forwards, particularly over the last two years when there has been so much disruption caused by the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
Every single member of staff has an important role to play in school and this report is the result of everyone working hard, often in their own time and at times when staff may also have been dealing with their own personal difficulties caused by the pandemic. The outcome reflects the teamwork, passion, dedication and willingness of all staff and governors to do the best for the pupils and families of Regents Park and I am sure you would wish me to thank them on your behalf.
I would also like to thank you, the parents and families of Regents Park who have continued to be so supportive to me and the staff and to the children who behave so well and are passionate about their learning.
Regents Park continues to be a good school and it is a privilege to lead the school as Headteacher. There continues to be much to do, particularly in supporting all pupils to catch up in their learning, but with the support of the staff, governors, parents and families of Regents Park, we can look forward and make sure that every child gets the education and start in life that they deserve.
Mr Beale