Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
We now know that most families will be celebrating Eid tomorrow on Thursday 13th May, although there may be some who are celebrating on Friday 14th May instead. We are sure you are looking forward to a very happy and peaceful day celebrating with family and friends.
Just to remind you that we are only able to authorise one day of absence for religious observation whether this on Thursday or Friday. Unfortunately, any further absence will be marked as unauthorised.
Children that are not celebrating Eid should attend school on both days as normal.
We have rearranged our Eid Celebrations in school and this will now be on Friday 21st May when children will be able to come to school in non-uniform or their Eid clothes.
We wish Eid Mubarak to all those who are celebrating Eid this week.
Mr Beale