Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
On Monday 14th June, the Government announced that there would be a delay in the further lifting of COVID restrictions which was due to take place on 21st June. This is because of concerns about what is known as the Delta COVID variant and the impact this seems to be having on increasing positive cases. As such, the Government have delayed lifting restrictions until July 19th.
Birmingham has seen a significant increase in the last few weeks and the Government has also listed the city as an "enhanced response area". Small Heath is one of the 15 wards in the city which has high COVID rates and low vaccination take-up so there will be a surge in vaccination capacity in the area. I would urge you, if you haven't already done so, to book your vaccinations as soon as possible to help lower the risk in the local area.
The Government have also issued further advice on socialising and travelling in Birmingham, including minimising travel into and out of the area and not taking unnecessary journeys. The advice is that people should:
There have been a number of class bubbles that have closed in recent weeks due to positive cases. I would urge parents to follow COVID guidelines, take extra precautions and make sure that, if a child or a member of the household are showing symptoms, they get a PCR test (preferably from a testing centre) as soon as possible so we can limit any potential virus transmission.
As a result of the national guidance and the local advice, we will be keeping all of our COVID guidelines in place until the end of this term which means no change to any of the procedures currently in place. Parents are still expected to come onto the school site wearing a face covering and we will continue with the staggered start and finish to the day. Children will continue to be taught in class bubbles when indoors but will mix in year group bubbles outdoors.
This means that, unfortunately, we are not able to invite parents into school for Sports Week activities or to school assemblies this term.
Children will take part in a Sports Afternoon in their year groups and we will post as many photos of the events so you can see what they are up to.
As we have done previously this year, assemblies will be recorded and shared with the parents of the children in the class for a limited period so you can see them perform. This will include the Y6 leavers assembly.
We will aim to send out children's reports to you by Friday 9th July and you will have time to respond to the report either in writing or, if you wish to, book an appointment so that you can speak to your child's class teacher on the phone.
Just a reminder that in the last week of term, we will be closed on Wednesday 21st July for a staff training day. We will be open on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th July but we understand that many children will not be in on at least one of those days becasue of Eid-ul-Adha.
Also a reminder that school reopens for children after the Summer holiday on Monday 6th September.
We hope that with everyone remaining vigilant and more people getting a vaccination, that things will return to normal as soon as possible. We hope that everyone enjoys the rest of this term.
Thank you,
Mr Beale