Welcome To
Regents Park Community Primary School
Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!
Dear Parents/ Carers,
I hope you are all healthy and well and keeping safe at home indoors as best you can.
School has been closed for nearly two weeks although we have been open to support vulnerable children and children whose parents are key workers. We have had between 2 and 4 children coming into school being supported by a skeletal staff including myself, Mr Genner, Miss Miles, Mr Khan, Miss Carrick and Mrs Folbigg - thank you to all of them and to Mr Marlowe for cleaning school each day whilst we have been open.
Since Tuesday, we have had no children in and aren't expecting any children in again now until at least April 15th. As such, there are now no members of staff on site as they are all at home following social distancing guidelines. This means that there are no staff available to listen to answering machine telephone messages.
If you need to contact school for any reason (for instance, if your circumstances change and you require help finding child care provision), the best way of doing so will be to send an email to enquiry@rgntpark.bham.sch.uk
Over the last couple of weeks we have also been organising food for children who are eligible for Free School Meals (not universal free school meals for EYFS and KS1 children). During the first week we sent out food packages using food from our school kitchen. This week we have sent out Asda vouchers to families with children who are eligible.
Over the next couple of weeks we are organising vouchers offered by Birmingham City Council to cover the two week Easter holiday period. Then from April 20th we will be sending out vouchers that have been offered nationally. We will contact parents of pupils who are eligible to let you know about both of these schemes.
Hopefully the children are keeping busy and making use of all the ideas and resources that staff have been sharing with them on the school website and also on Twitter. Please feel free to use Twitter to update us on anything they are getting up to! We will continue to update the website (click on the following tabs - Children then Home Learning) and post ideas and resources on Twitter (@rgntparkschool).
The next couple of weeks are likely to be very difficult for everyone - children, families and staff - as the virus affects more people. Hopefully you will all stay safe and in good health and it won't be too long before things can return back to normal.
Again, don't forget to contact us and update us on anything we can help with using the enquiry@rgntpark.bham.sch.uk email address and we will get back to you.
Take care everyone,
Mr Beale