Dear Parents/ Carers,
Thank you to all the parents who responded to the survey on children either changing for PE in school or coming to school in PE kit.
I have to say, we didn’t have a huge response (only 86 parents out of 326 families across school, i.e. 26% of the families). It’s possible to suggest that for the other 74% of families this wasn’t a particularly significant issue.
That being said, the majority of the parents that did respond said they would prefer that their children come into school on PE days already in their PE kit rather than change in school.
Number of responses
I would prefer my child to bring their PE kit to school and get changed for PE
I would prefer my child to come to school already in their PE kit on PE days
I have no preference either way
Having also spoken to staff, their view is that less time will be wasted if children come to school on PE days already in their PE kit as this means more time teaching PE lessons.
As a result, we have made the decision that from next week (starting Monday 27th September 2021), we will expect children to come to school already in their PE kit ready for their PE lessons. We will review the impact of this decision on school uniform, so please make sure the children wear the correct uniform on PE days and non-PE days.
Children will wear PE kit to school on the following days:
Year 3
Year 5 and Year 6
Reception and Year 4
Year 1 and Year 2
Wearing correct uniform on PE days and non-PE days is important – it helps to give our children a shared identity, makes them feel they belong to our school community and prepares them to be ready for learning.
We expect children to wear correct full school uniform on every day except PE days when we expect them to wear correct PE kit uniform.
Please use the following checklist to make sure your child wears the correct uniform on each day:
Normal school uniform
PE Kit Uniform
- Bottle green jumper/ sweatshirt/ cardigan WITH a school badge
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafore dress
- Green gingham summer dress
- Plain bottle green/ grey/ black headscarf
- Grey/ black socks, tights or leggings worn under skirt or pinafore dress
- Black school shoes (NOT trainers and NO shoes with heels or open toe sandals)
- NO jewellery (plain ear studs if absolutely necessary)
- Bottle green jumper/ sweatshirt/ cardigan WITH a school badge (Please do not send children in other tracksuit tops or sweatshirts)
- White T shirt or polo shirt (preferably not the shirt they wear normally for school
- Black or grey PE Shorts
- Black tracksuit trousers/ jogging bottoms
- White sports socks
- Plain black trainers for PE outdoors
- Black plimsolls for PE indoors
- Old trainers/ shoes/ wellies for use outdoors in the Forest School
- NO jewellery (ear studs must be removed by the child for PE)
Please make sure that all your child’s clothes have their name and class written inside them.
Please note the following additional information:
- ALL children are expected to have a school jumper/ sweatshirt/ cardigan WITH a school badge sewn onto it
- As parents know, we sell school sweatshirts and cardigans with the school badge already sewn on. These are sold through the school office at cost price only and can be ordered using the sQuid app online
- Some parents have started buying jumpers, cardigans and sweatshirts from elsewhere and this is acceptable as long as the jumpers match the school colours AND parents buy a school badge and sew it on (school badges are also available to buy from the school office using the sQuid app online)
- Children will not be able to wear sports sweatshirts/ hoodies/ tracksuit tops on PE days. They should wear their school jumper or sweatshirt which they can then take off whilst doing the PE lesson
- All other uniform should be plain (no logos or branding) and match the school colours – bottle green/ white/ grey/ black
- On non-PE days, children should wear plain black shoes, NOT trainers
- On PE days, children can wear plain black trainers to school which they can wear through the day and also when doing PE outdoors
- On PE days, children may be working in the hall and outdoors in the Forest School. As such, children will also need black plimsolls for indoor PE (otherwise they will have to do these lessons in bare feet) AND an old pair of trainers/ shoes/ wellies that they can wear during their Forest School session and they don’t mind getting muddy. These plimsolls and old trainers/ shoes/ wellies can be left in a bag and kept in school, hung on the child’s peg
- Children may only wear PE kit on PE days. If they are taking part in sports activities after school on other days they must bring their kit with them and change into it
- Children changing for sports activities will change and be supervised appropriately for their age, e.g. Y5 and Y6 boys and girls will change separately for clubs and activities and be supervised by either male or female staff
- Children in Year 3 will continue to be expected to come to school on swimming days in their school uniform. As they do already, children will change separately at the swimming baths with boys supervised by male staff and girls by female staff.
- Swimming is part of the PE curriculum and all areas of PE are NOT optional.