
Welcome To

Regents Park Community Primary School

Believe in Yourself - Anything is Possible!


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • A message for parents from Mrs Stephens

    Mon 17 Jul 2023

    Dear Parents,

    Thank you to all of you for coming this morning (Monday 17th July) to share some time with me beforee I leave. I hoped that I wouldn't be sitting all on my own and I wasn't!


    Over the years I have had the privilege to get to know many children and parents, sometimes seeing 3 generations of the same family pass through school.


    It's always good to hear of their achievements and even see them bring their own children to our nursery.


    I feel lucky to have experienced a wonderful time with your lovely, amazing children who I know I am going to miss so much.


    Regents Park is such a warm and happy place. Don't tell Mr Beale but I never really thought of it as coming to work. We have had so much fun, learning together over the years.


    Your generosity is overwhelming as always.


    Thank you,


    Mrs Stephens

  • Summer Fayre - Update due to bad weather forecast for Friday afternoon

    Thu 13 Jul 2023 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    As I said yesterday, it is likely that we will not be able to hold the Summer Fayre in the playground tomorrow due to heavy rain that is forecast for most of the day. We are planning to move as much as possible indoors so that the Summer Fayre can still go ahead.


    However, we are not able to accommodate all our parents and families at one time so we asked for you to choose a timeslot on a first come, first served basis by completing of form online.


    When it closed at lunchtime we had had 168 responses with nearly 75% of them asking for 1.00pm. As I've said, for health & safety reasons, we have not been able to give everyone their first choice so some people will be disappointed but I hope everyone will understand.


    We won't be sending out tickets at this late stage but, if you completed the form, you should now have been sent by text a time to arrive at school. Please only arrive for the Summer Fayre at this time - unfortunately, you won't be able to come in earlier.


    Due to a lack of space, we won't be able to accommodate pushchairs inside and we won't be able to leave them under the canopy if it is raining so please try to leave them at home or make sure they can be covered outside if it's raining.


    To be fair to all parents and families, the timeslots are only 40 minutes long. We will need you to leave when your timeslot finishes so other parents can attend. You may take your children with you when you leave.


    I hope you will help support is with these arrangements tomorrow so that it can still be a fun afternoon for everyone.




    Mr Beale

  • Summer Fayre - Arrangements in case of bad weather on Friday

    Wed 12 Jul 2023 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents,


    We have been looking forward to inviting parents and families into school for our annual Summer Fayre this Friday 14th July from 1.00pm. We have held this event a number of times and have always been lucky with the weather.


    Unfortunately, looking at the weather forecast for Friday, there is a possibility of heavy rain on Friday afternoon when we have planned the Summer Fayre to take place.


    We have been looking at alternative arrangements, including bringing as much as possible of the Summer Fayre indoors on Friday. However, for health and safety reasons, we do not have the space indoors to accomodate lots of parents and families all at the same time.


    We will make a decision on Friday morning about whether to move the Summer Fayre indoors. However, to help us plan for bad weather and prevent large numbers of people all arriving at the same time, we are going to organise a ticket system and ask that you arrive at different times through the afternoon.


    Please complete the online form to indicate

    • When you would like to attend the Summer Fayre on Friday
    • How many tickets you would like for other members of family


    Tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis so please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. You will still be able to collect your children when you arrive and leave you have finished at the Fayre.


    The link to complete the form is here:


    Thank you for your co-operation,


    Mr Beale

  • Parents Celebration for Mrs Stephens - Coffee & Cake Morning - Monday 17th July from 9.45am

    Mon 10 Jul 2023 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    It is with some sadness that I am letting you know that Mrs Stephens will be retiring this Summer. Mrs Stephens has worked at Regents Park for nearly 47 years! Almost all of our parents will know Mrs Stephens if their children have come through school from our Nursery or if they themselves were at Regents Park as children in the last 47 years!


    I'm sure that many parents would like to see Mrs Stephens before she retires to thank her for her service to the local community and the families of Regents Park over the years.


    As such, we are organising a Coffee & Cake morning in school on Monday 17th July from 9.45am when you are welcome to pop in and give your best wishes to Mrs Stephens in person.


    If you know of any other parents (current or former) who would like to come in and see Mrs Stephens, please feel free to let them know. We'd like to invite you to attend at any time between 9.45am and 11.00am.. If you are able to contact the school office by this Friday to let us know that you or anyone else you know will be attending, that will help us with organising refreshments.


    We hope to see lots of parents joining us on Monday.


    Thank you,


    Mr Beale

  • Parents Evening - Wednesday 12th July 2023

    Fri 07 Jul 2023 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    I'm pleased to let you know about the Parents' Evening we are organising on Wednesday 12th July from 3.15 - 5.45pm.


    This is the last parents' evening for this academic year and is an opportunity for you to talk about your child's progress and their report if you would like to.


    As before, parents will be asked to use an online booking system to book a 5 minute appointment with their children's class teachers on Parents' Evening.


    To fit as many parents in as possible, we will have to be quite strict about the timings of the appointments so please don't be late and please don't be offended if the teacher has to end the appointment after 5 minutes to meet the next parent.


    Guidelines for Parents' Evenings:


    • It's useful for children and parents to attend but please try to keep to a mimumum the number of other family members attending
    • Parents should arrive at school no earlier than 10 minutes before their first appointment
    • Entrance to the school site will be via Arthur Street or Dixon Road and entrance to the building will be via the outside door to the main hall under the canopy
    • Parents will be expected to sign in and then sign out as they leave


    Booking appointments with your child's class teacher:

    • We are going to use the same online system we have used before through the school website for booking appointments with class teachers
    • In order to book an appointment we will send an email to the email address of the parent who is listed as the First Contact on our school information system
    • The email will have a link to click on and you will then be able to choose which day and at which time you would like to book the appointment - please make a note of the date and time that you choose
    • You will receive an email for each of your children so you will need to open each one and book for each child
    • We would advise that you allow 10 minutes between the end of one meeting and the start of the next, e.g. if you book an appointment to start at 3.15pm which ends at 3.20pm, you should book the next appointment for 3.30pm to give you time to get to the next classroom
    • If you don't receive an email, this is because either we don't have an email address for you or the email you have given us is wrong. If you don't receive an email by Monday 10th July, then please contact the office with your updated email address and a link to book your appointment will be sent out to you
    • If you don't have an email address at all and don't wish to use one, then you can contact the office and they can assign you a date and time for your appointment


    We're looking forward to welcoming parents into school on either the 12th July. If anything changes, we will let you know so please look out for any messages we send via text.


    We look forward to seeing you all,


    Mr Beale

  • Info for Parents - Reports, Parents Evening, Summer Fayre and Parents Morning for Mrs Stephens

    Wed 05 Jul 2023 Mr Beale

    Dear Parents/ Carers,


    Reports for 2022-23

    Tomorrow your child will come home with their annual school report for 2022-23. The report will be sent with your child in a sealed envelope. Along with the report will be a letter, your child's absence record and an information sheet about attendance. There will also be a copy of our annual Report Feedback & Parents Survey form which we would like you to complete and return - one for each child please. This form can also be completed online if you prefer - a link will be sent out to you via text message. We value all feedback so please do complete this form.


    Parents Evening - Wednesday 12th July 2023 from 3.15pm to 5.45pm

    On Wednesday 12th July, we will be holding a Parents Evening from 3.15pm to 5.45pm for any parents who would like to speak to their child's class teacher about their report or their child's progress this year. Unfortunately, as there is only opportunity for one parents evening this term, appointments will only be scheduled for 5 minutes so that all parents can attend if they wish to. Parents must be on time for their meeting when it has been booked. Once the reports have been sent out, I will send out a link to book appointments using the same email system we have used previously.


    Summer Fayre - Friday 14th July from 1.00pm to 4.00pm

    Also next week we will be holding our annual Summer Fayre. This has been very successful in previous years and we are looking forward to some good weather and lots of families joining us so that we can raise money for the children's School Fund.


    As before, parents are invited to come into school at any time from 1.00pm to collect their children and visit the Summer Fayre with them. There will be lots to do so we hope you will bring lots of money to spend!


    Entrance from 1.00pm will be via the Arthur Street gate and children will be able to be collected from signposted points in the classroom - there will be a rush at 1.00pm so please be patient if collecting at this time. You are welcome to stay for as long as you like - once you have collected your children, they will be your responisbility.


    Parents who are unable to collect until home time will be asked to collect children from the collection points in the playground at 3.00pm. Again it would be helpful if you can arrive via the Arthur Street entrance. The Summer Fayre will carry on until about 4.00pm so parents who can't come until later can still visit it with their children.


    Mrs Stephens Retirement - Coffee & Cake Morning - Monday 17th July from 9.45am

    It is with some sadness that I am letting you know that Mrs Stephens will be retiring this Summer. Mrs Stephens has worked at Regents Park for nearly 47 years! Almost all of our parents will know Mrs Stephens if their children have come through school from our Nursery or if they themselves were at Regents Park as children in the last 47 years!


    I'm sure that many parents would like to see Mrs Stephens before she retires to thank her for her service to the local community and the families of Regents Park over the years. As such, we are organising a Coffee & Cake morning in school on Monday 17th July from 9.45am when you are welcome to pop in and give your best wishes to Mrs Stephens in person. If you know of any other parents (current or former) who would like to come in and see Mrs Stephens, please feel free to let them know. We'd like to invite you to attend at any time between 9.45am and 11.00am.


    Events in school coming up:

    Thursday 6th July - 3.00pm - Reports to be sent home with children

    Wednesday 12th July - School Transition Day - Y6 children to visit their new schools; Children in school to meet their new teachers and spend the day with them in class

    Wednesday 12th July - 3.15pm to 5.45pm - Parents Evening

    Monday 17th July at 9.00am - EYFS & KS1 Gold Achievers assembly

    Tuesday 18th July at 9.00am - Y3, Y4 & Y5 Gold Achievers assembly

    Wednesday 19th July at 9.15am and 1.30pm - Y6 Leavers Assembly

    Thursday 20th July - 9.00am - Y6 Graduation Assembly followed by Y6 Dinner Party

    Friday 21st July - 1.00pm - School closes to children for Summer Holiday

    Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September - INSET days in school for teachers

    Wednesday 6th September - Children return to school for Autumn Term


    Thanks for your support,


    Mr Beale
